Saturday, February 9, 2008

It's in the Can

I joined a gift swap on line back in January & I wasn't sure I had hit the dead line for my entry so I kinda put it out of my mind. Okay so I forgot.
So a week ago I got an e-mail from a Lovely Lady named Wendy saying we were swap partners. Alrighty then I think, what did I do that I have forgotten to do...follow the web site back to the orginal and there it is.....
My partner is a busy stay at home mom that also does day care. So I thought why not do her up a pamper can.
I found some paper that had hearts on it and in another book altogether some different striped paper. The little saying on the front says " Every moment holds a hidden Gift" Double sided tap is a marvlous invention isn't it? Yep used a bit more than necessary, but we don't want it coming unwrapped in the mail now do we. I loaded her up with some nice bath products and a tea packett. I know she will get it late but we both agreed that the fun part is knowing it is coming.

1 comment:

9kids said...

Wow, that can is really cute~ Your recipient is one lucky lady!